
Primary Sources:
Charles Smith, resident of West Virginia

Robert Searls, chemical plant worker

Sandra Thompson, resident of West Virgina

Secondary Sources:
"The ABC's of Process Safety and Risk Management."

"Agent Orange and Bhopal:  The Fight for Global Environmental Justice Continues." Tran, Ky-Phong.   May 2006.

"Bayer CropScience to Eliminate MIC by 80 Percent"

"Bhopal:  A Continuing Tragedy."

"Bhopal Disaster Spurs U.S. Industry, Legislative Action.",%20Legislative%20Action.htm

"Bhopal Information Center"

"Bhopal:  International Campaign for Justice,"

"Bhopal Timeline."

"Chronology of Union Carbide Corporation."

"Greenpeace finds Anderson."

"Greenpeace Gives Dow Chemical Taste of Bhopal Waste."  Hearst, David.  January 9, 2003.

"Lessons Learned?  Chemical Plant Safety Since Bhopal.  Hood, Ernie.  Environmental Health Perspectives.  May 2004.

"Olive Drab"

"Union Carbide Chief Arrested and Released."  December 7,1984.

"What happened in Bhopal."